Monday, October 3, 2011

One Year

"Wishing you were somehow here again,
Wishing you were somehow near.
Sometimes it seems,
If I just dream,
Somehow you would be here..."
("Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" - The Phantom of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Weber)

One year later, and I still forget that he's on the other side of heaven. 
One year later, and I still think "I'll have to tell him about this," before I remember.
One year later, and I still can't figure out why.

One year later, and I'm more sure than ever that God really did give me the best grandfather in the world. 

Here's to the man that encouraged my passion for writing and my fondness for sweets, and even now inspires my faith.  Right now, I'm sure he's telling the angels the same stories and cracking the same jokes he loved to entertain us with, over and over and over.  They're lucky to have him.

Until we're both on His side of Heaven...

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